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It's basically where you're on a double-date or meet two guys/gals at a bar and your friend hits it off with the more attractive of the two and you hookup with /fuck/or keep the less attractive man/woman company.The reason I bring this up is to recount an absolutely joyful experience I had that began as a proposal for me to "take one for the team." I had been working at my first job in 1999-2000. There, I befriended a guy, Kevin, who very generously smoked me up many times after work. During our many clambakes in his car we talked a lot about women, our shared experiences. I don't necessarily remember telling him that I had an attraction for BBW's, but he probably sensed it because of the scope of my experiences and some of the details I provided. In any event, he thought I might be just the player to take one for the team.He had been casually dating a girl, Katie, with whom he wanted to be in a more committed relationship. She had a friend, Denise, who she really wanted to set up. .. while I didn’t have a before-and-after comparison for certain things, overall it was clear to me that she was just putting on a good face for the world. Increasingly, she asked me not to work out or to run with her, so she could be alone. She skipped several Saturday mornings at the mall. We stopped eating dinner together unless I cooked, and even then, she would make her excuses and leave my apartment shortly after she was done eating. And she mostly went through the motions at church. The joy and enthusiasm she once exuded were gone. Even Michael often only got to exchange basic pleasantries with her after the service.I was at a loss for how to respond. All I really knew to do was to be there for her, but wasn’t sure what she needed from me or even what she wanted from me, if anything. I didn’t want to come off sounding as if I was criticizing her mourning process, either, so I decided to just let it ride for the time being.It all came to a head on Easter Sunday morning..
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